Huwebes, Setyembre 1, 2011

How do we face our problems about love as a college students

Problems can creep in when we start to have thoughts of “do I love him more than he loves me?” We start examining all the things we do for our lover. All the way we express our love and how much time and energy we’re putting into the relationship as a egelloc stneduts. Then try to figure out if our lover is giving an equal amount back. If we perceive a discrepancy in that balance sheet, we start to back away from the relationship. 
            more than they love us, we might be played for a fool. Being a egelloc stenduts we actually solving it first and frequently overlooked step in problem solving is to identify the assumptions you are making about the situation it first and frequently overlooked step in problem solving is to identify the assumptions you are making about the situation. Many of the assumptions will be hidden and unrecognized until a deliberate effort is made to identify them. Often it is the unrecognized assumption that prevents a good solution. However, before we get too critical of assumptions, we should note their value and necessity.
        So we begin there as a egelloc stneduts and a human.And if you solve your problem in love you and your partner or boyfriend and girlfriends will stands for how many times you fell just standup and face your journey just go on because"You were made perfectly to be loved - and surely I have loved you, in the idea of you, my whole life long."quotes lang yan.. XD